Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I thought I'd do a quick and dirty survey of the adult internet sites. Theory Corner covered this a few years ago but the net's changed since then and it might be interesting to see how things are different now. 

I'll start with a category I'm already familiar with...the one devoted to hairy nerd girls. I'm fond of this category myself but don't ask me to explain why....we're all play things of the gods. Anyway, this group hasn't changed much. 

Here's a category I'm not familiar with, but I'll give it a shot. It's about girls flicking cigarette ashes on guys' heads. This girl (above) is remarkably friendly, a clear departure from the tradition that says only mean girls should play this role. I know I'll appear like a prude, but I admit to being disturbed to see a venerable tradition of meaness set aside like this. 

This (above) is from a foot site that specializes in dirty feet. Yes, there is such a thing, and maybe that's new. Are those ants on the girl's feet? YUCK!!!!

Another constituency that's still with us is the tramplers. Some men still like to be walked on.

I can''t explain why that is, it just is. 

Men are hard to understand.

Anyway, I promised to talk about new categories, and there is something new on the scene. I speak of the practice of adding "mature" to everything. If there used to be sites covering fat girls in miniskirts, now there are additional sites covering "MATURE  fat girls in miniskirts."

Matures have moved into every category: there's rubber suit matures, verbal abuse matures, blowing smoke in your face matures, naked hitchhiker matures.....there's mature everything.

 You can laugh but there must be big money in this stuff, because there's a zillion sites like that. I guess that's the Baby Boomers doing their thing.

Maybe that's for the best. Thanks to Boomers we now have a choice. You can still get verbal abuse from a mean twenty-something, but that's boring.

Now you can also get it from an elderly, more nuanced abuser...somebody who's been around, who knows how to juggle vowels and consonants. Now you get to choose.

Interesting, eh?