Brigitte: "Well, Duh! Everybody knows that! Reason didn't become Law when it was written down, but when it first came into existence; and it came into existence simultaneously with the divine mind. True Law is the right reason of Jupiter, king of the gods. Even Jupiter can't violate it with impunity because it's in the very fabric of Jupiter and everything else that exists."
Julie: "Whoa! Wait a minute! We all know that bad laws get passed all the time!"
Sophia: "It doesn't matter! Laws like that never last because they don't conform to Nature. True and primal Law is the eternal right reason of supreme Jupiter."
Raquel: "Sure, in Jupiter and in us too. Nothing is more valuable than reason and reason, when it's perfected, is called wisdom. Since wisdom exists in both man and God then we must share an awareness of right reason. It's kinda' cool that we and the gods are sort of in the same commonwealth."
Lola: "Right! And since we share right reason with the gods then we must also share Law and the concept of justice! ...Gee, it's hard to think with all these little people building stuff around me!"
Mildred: "They bother me too! I just try to tune them out by smelling my armpit. Anyway what Lola said makes sense. True law is right reason in agreement with nature. It's universal! You don't find one law in Rome and another in Athens!"
Marigold: "Righto! Wicked people deliberately shut out their awareness of right reason but it doesn't do them any good because God is the author of this law, it's promulgator, and it's enforcing judge. Whoever disobeys is fleeing from himself and his own human nature!
Ha! Watch me mess up this little bus!"