Holy Cow! It's almost Halloween! This'll probably be my last post for that holiday, so I'll try to make it interesting.

Here (above) Lon Chaney enters the Opera Ball as the Red Death.

Here's (above) some plague victims unearthed in Italy.

I always thought the costumes plague doctors wore (above) would make good Halloween costumes.

Speaking of the Plague, what do you think of this giant rat attempting to eat the passengers in this car?

The Stepford Puppets (above)!

What the heck is the "Jeckle & Hyde Club?"

The Yale Skull and Bones Society. Not even most people who go to Yale know what goes on in there!

The funeral of Siegfried (above).

A strange drawing I got off the net (above) showing jagged peaks on the Moon. Its not a great sketch but I kinda like it, because it assumes weird and menacing shapes are present on another world, and every day are defiantly but impotently threatening the Earth.

I wish I'd been able to find a good picture of a haunted house ride. This one's so infuriatingly happy!

Let's shake off all that happiness and check out this item from The Amsterdam Museum of Torture. It's a head vice. Good Lord!

The famous Iron Maiden of Nuremberg (above)!

Someone went to a lot of trouble to build this chair of spikes.

Here's (above) a less elaborate version of the same thing. It's still plenty scary when you consider what the weights on the floor must have been used for.

A bust (above) of Rondo Hatten.

Don't you love the masks (above) kids make?

Only the previous day the homeowner of this yard was seen mowing his lawn. Now all that remains of him is one shoe and the abandoned mower. Strange icons have appeared.

An interesting rubber mask (above)! Great color!

If you're planning to be a mad scientist, you'll need a study (above) as well as a lab. How about something like this? Is this set from "Metropolis"?

I like costumes that elongate the character (above).

Some trolls (above) from Steve Worth's ASIFA blog on Bauer.

A New Orleans-inspired voodoo mask.

Ah, gargoyles! I don't know why they appear on cathedrals but I'm glad they do.

Some modern-day churches (above)make use of gargoyles too! It's a tradition!

Well, that wraps it up! Have a good Halloween everybody!!!!!
BTW, some of the pictures used here were stolen from Karswell's superb horror blog:
...and from Fournier's wonderful Frankenstein blog: