EDDIE BEATNIK (VO): "So that's where the art of film is today...."
EDDIE BEATNIK: "It's caught between two poles: Fellini and Bergman. The man of heart and the man of mind."
EDDIE BEATNIK: "Fellini's simple and light hearted. Inside he's a child and through his vision we relive...well, you know."
EDDIE BEATNIK: "Bergman on the other hand...what a cold fish! Did you see 'The Silence?' I thought it would never end. Bergman's just a rehash of Ibsen, only it's all done with stares instead of dialogue."
BEATNIK EDDIE: "I'm afraid cinema will never reach maturity until it rediscovers heart.
BEATNIK #1 (VO): "Yeah, heart!"
BEATNIK #2 (VO): "Without heart film is nothing!"
BEATNIK #3: Dig it, Man. Without heart, life is nothing!"
Eddie looks for something.
EDDIE BEATNIK: "Anyone got a light? I can't find my matches."
BEATNIK #1 (VO): "Hey, you're putting me on the spot, man!"
BEATNIK #2 (VO): "Yeah, like matches cost money. Cats should use their own matches."
BEATNIK #3 (VO): "Dig it, man! In life you gotta have your own bread! No mooching!"
BEAT GIRL: "Gee, that's too bad. I could use a light, too."
SPEED SFX: ZWOOT! ZWOOT! ZWOOT! as several arms race into sc., to light her cigarette.
BEATNIK #1 (VO): "Let me lay it on you, Sister!"
BEATNIK #2: "Here's a light! Keep the lighter!"
BEATNIK #3 (VO): "I have a pocket full of lighters! Take them all!
BEATNIK #4 (VO): "I have a whole house full of lighters! 'Wanna see them!?""
BEATNIK #5 (VO): "Do you need a ride home? How about a sandwich?"
BEATNIK #2: "Eddie, I agree with your opinion about Fellini, but you got Bergman all wrong. He's witty. Actually Bergman is more like Fellini than somebody like Rossellini."
BEATNIKS # 3 and 4: "Rossellini's the main dude. Even Fellini copies him."
BEATNIK #5: "But does Rossellini have heart? That's the question."
BEATNIK #6: "Does Fellini have brains? THAT'S the question!"
BEATNIK #7: "I don't think Fellini would know what to do with a real woman. In fact, I think Fellini is......"