Showing posts with label shag mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shag mask. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014


How do you like this Romanian shag mask?

A nice combination of hangers and lanterns! 

Aaaah...the evil ventriloquist doll. A classic theme!

A pair of skinny mannequin legs with a big mask on top...a match made in Heaven. 

Above, Crumb appears with a Third Eye! I have a great Lopsang Rampa book which describes the surgery he (Rampa) underwent in Tibet to have the obstacle to his third eye removed.

Wow! A great brain photo, but it's brow. It lacks class.  

Maybe a frame would help.

There you go! Everything looks better in a frame! Geez, maybe I'll put this on the Theory Corner sidebar!

A little Halloween music might be in order here. After you listen to this (above) you might want to go to YouTube and hear Nina Simone sing the same thing. What a contrast!