Those are Maori above. Maori photos were just made for boys rooms.
So are maps. Blank maps (above) are great because they let your mind fill in the details.
I don't think this company (detail above) makes historical maps anymore, but maybe I'm mistaken.
Old maps (above) can look at them endlessly.
Every boy needs a picture of the jungle (above).
Ditto the Greeks (above). The ancient Greeks earned our respect by opposing barbarism with strength and intellect. That's a bit of a simplification since the Persians weren't exactly barbarians, but the image of the Greek hoplites still projects a primal power.
This picture (above) would have earned a place on my wall when I was a little kid. I was aching to fly. The airplane rides in amusement parks filled me with longing for the real thing. I feel like I betrayed my young self by not promoting kid flight as an adult but, really, how could I? That's a tough nut to crack.
A letter-size version of this picture (above) needs to be on every kid's wall. What's on the island? I don't know... King Kong? Doc Savage's lab? Dinosaurs? The Cyclops? This mysterious island seems to demand that the viewer drop what he's doing and commit to a life of adventure.
I used to love the pictures in the National Geographic. If Tin Tin had been a real kid he'd have no doubt had pictures like this on his bulletin board.
Also when I was a kid: drug stores were covered with Parke-Davis illustrations of medical innovators like Jenner and Lister. The one that moved me most was the one of Louis Pasteur, the great bacteriologist. Spurred on by the famous Paul Muni film, I'd have put his picture up in a heartbeat if I'd had one.
Actually, I have a post card picture of him up now, on a bulletin board in my bedroom. I figure I owe the guy.