I was going to do a post about silly walks (above), ones that aren't in the famous Python sketch, but I got side-tracked into watching videos of mime walks, and now that's all I can think about. I'm going to learn the profile walk in these videos, and then do it in front of a dog. I have a feeling that it'll drive him nuts!
I posted three walk videos because each one contained some bit of information that the others lift out.
It does take strength in the legs to do this because, unlike real walks, you're putting your weight on a bent leg.
It's off-topic, but I couldn't resist putting a Moonwalk tutorial (above) in here. Actually this looks easier to learn than the profile mime walk. This guy does a good job of explaining it, don't you think?
gee, that first guy does it way better than the two girls
Haha, that's a funny little skill to learn. That ministry needs more people like you.
Claude cat would love to see this sort of thing out the window.
I love the amount of instruction the first guy gives. I feel like I could animate the in place walk no problem after the wealth of information he gave on it
"I'm going to learn the profile walk in these videos, and then do it in front of a dog. I have a feeling that it'll drive him nuts!"
The guy in the leaning walk drawing at the top resembles the late Dark Shadows actor Johnathan Frid.
Interesting and nice drawings! I suppose you did them.
The guy of the last vid is a good candidate to do a good floor wiping hahaha.
Each one of the mime teachers puts an emphasis on one point to describe how to walk like that.A few weeks ago I saw on You Tube vids of dancing people,Michael Jackson had a well known walking where is viewed not only on profile but in other angles,that shows to me how is the trick when I saw it frame by frame. Here it is:
You definitly should do a post on silly walks in the future.
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