DR. EVIL (V.O.): "There's an easy way to get them to stop, Smoker. Tell us where the death ray is hidden."

DR. EVIL: "C'mon, man. What good is it to you?"

THE SMOKER: "Is that all you got? I've seen old ladies hit harder than that!"

MARGO: "Stop it! Stop it! Can't you see that he's telling the truth!? He doesn't know where it is!"

DR. EVIL: "Yes, I'm beginning to agree with you Miss Reed. Unfortunately that means we don't need your friend anymore."

DR. EVIL (V.O.): "Robot! Bring the girl to the car! We're leaving!"
Then, to the gang...
"Cut him loose, boys! We don't need him now!"
GANGSTER: "Cut him lo....? I'd rather cut him up! How come he gets to walk?"

DR. EVIL: "Better than that...he gets to dance...with BEULAH! Let her out!"

GANGSTERS: "B-B-Beulah!? Are you sure?"

GANGSTER: "Heh, heh. Yeah, he's sure. Let her out. Beulah just lo-o-oves to dance."
GANGSTERS ALL: (laughter).

DR. EVIL: "Good-bye, Smoker! You'll like Beulah. She's very affectionate. She likes nothing better than a good, long HUG! (Laughs)".
The thugs leave and lock the door behind them.

THE SMOKER: "I've gotta get outta here and get to a phone!"
THE SMOKER: "Wait a minute. What's that sound?"

THE SMOKER: "Hello! Anybody there!?"

THE SMOKER: "There it is again!"

SMOKER: "Who's out there!?"

He looks up.

Once again, thanks for stills from the Shadowplay blog, URL in the sidebar links.
Hope Mike Myers doesn't mind you "sampling" the name Doctor Evil. . .
The Smoker has returned!
Wow! What a tough guy! As if it wasn't bad enough to tie his hands so he can't light up!
Evil's a fairly common name in L.A. There's a whole family of 'Dr. Evils' who run a medical marijuana consultancy in Brentwood.
Ha ha I love these!
I say what Steve say YAY!
This is like the Goldfinger of Smokers! I love the evolution!
I don't tend to comment on them cause I don't have much to add but I think they're great.
I admire the dedication to let your beard grow to truly express the horror that is beulah.
Uh oh, the Smoker's in trouble now. From what I've heard, Beulah has two left feet and likes to lead!
Craig: I forgot about Mike Myers, but I figured I couldn't be the first to have used that name, and I know I won't be the last.
Steve, Rooni, Pappy, Taber, Vincent, Jorge, Joel, Anon: Many thanks!
Pete: Haw!
funny-love it! im convinced youre crazy in the best popssible way! you see-technology can be fun!
I will be stealing this for a soon to be HUGE short film franchise. Call your lawyer.
Wonderful progression, Eddie!
I'm surprised John hasn't banned you from your pizza parties for engaging in photoshop manipulations for your storytelling, (just this side of total CGI, egads-!).
I was given a brief glimmer of hope when you responded well to my plea for drawings, say it hasn't extinguished itself since!
Nacht: Thanks for asking. The photo stories are an excuse for me to learn Photoshop. After a slow start I'm finally making good progress on that program now,and I don't want to interfere with that momentum.
Theoretically I should be able to both draw and learn photoshop at the same time, but in practice it always comes down to one or the other, at least for me. It's two different ways of thinking. Almost every art job nowadays requires Photoshop on the resume, so I don't have much of a choice. Frankly I'd rather be drawing.
The compromise I'm making lately is to try to emphasize the part of photoshop that's most useful to artists.
Talking: My beef was never with technology, just with the way it's taught in books, which is really inefficient.
I also don't like the non-intuitive nature of some programs. If it can't be helped then I forgive it, but a lot of times it can be helped and the company simply can't be bothered with making the fix.
I'm toying with the idea of doing a beginner book on Photoshop. The fact that I'm a butterfingers and a beginner myself actually helps, because I'm more familiar with the problems that beginners have. The problem is that that programs are routinely taught in high schools now, and there aren't as many beginners like me as there used to be. There might not be a market for this kind of thing.
Eddie, you could make a great photoshop tutorial, and make it really funny, too. You could do it as a character, with comics in the margins and stuff. Like the classic manual to "Donkey Kong 64," or Cracked Magazine.
Photoshop is handy, and doubtless as essential as a shovel in today's world. I figured you were boning-up for professional purposes. My neighbor does photo retouching, and I'm boggled by the speed with which he dances around with short-cuts and effects which prove just how remedial my skills with the program are.
But here's to drawing! And not on a goddam Wacom tablet-yyeeeccchhh!
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