Sunday, January 05, 2014



GUNNAR (VO): "Admit it, this talk we're having isn't going anywere is it? You'll come away from this visit disappointed, thinking I've let you down."

GERTRUDE: "You haven't let me down. Worse things will happen before the day's over.  They always do."

GERTRUDE: "I've come to the conclusion that life is essentially meaningless."

GUNNAR: "I'm going to get half a glass of water. Can I get you some?"

GERTRUDE: "Will the glass be half empty or half full?"

GUNNAR: "Er...half full."

GERTRUDE: "Then count me out. I don't believe in mindless optimism."


SVEN: "Gertrude, come away with me. You know me. I'm just a starving student and I have nothing to offer but squalor, but think of it...we'll be young together. There'll be wine and song and, well.....gusto."

GERTRUDE: "Gusto? What place does gusto have? At some point we'll be struck down by death and all our achievements will wither."

SVEN: "Then I guess this is good bye, Gertude. Good-bye."

GERTRUDE: "What's good about it? We're fallen creatures. Humans are fallen creatures."


GUNNAR: "So you're back. I've been staring at a spot on the wall while you were gone. 

GERTRUDE: "Maybe I'll stare with you. Outside there's nothing but despair and hopelessness, just like in here."

GUNNAR: "Let's drift into the bedroom and have boring sex. There's at least a miniscule chance that it'll go well.

GERTRUDE: "Alright. I'll get the Abilify."



Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA ! This is rivaled only by Downtown Arbys!

You're a scream Eddie.


Milton Gray said...

Ah, the boredoms of the idle rich.

Unknown said...

Hilarious story to start out the new year.

And holy crap, I can get I, Claudius from Amazon at nearly 60% off its initial price. They said that this week they are selling British shows for up to 70% off. Just wanted to let you know.

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Roberto: I Claudius!? I used to love that series. I wonder what I would think of it now.

Anon: Downtown Arby' that a parody of the BBC series? Is it a Youtube video?

Anonymous said...

Eddie - Enjoy!


Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Anon: Wow! That was great! I'll have to take a look at the other Sketchy videos!