Here's one of my favorite pictures (above) of Veronica Lake, who sacrificed half her vision to give her fans a new look. Here the hair looks like it's glued on her face...Holy Cow, maybe it was!
Big ears, bare neck and a shaggy poodle skin collar with Frankenstein shoulder pads.
Poodles (above) have great hair...but you know that already.
Here's (above) one of my all-time favorite girl drawings. It radiates humor and energy!
This (above) portrait photo would be a great present if it were larger and framed. Maybe it needs a little cropping on the sides.
I'm speechless!
Sam Shepherd (above) in drag?
I propose that the National Bird Dropping Society use this picture (above) for their logo.
Here's a picture (above) of Camille Claudel, sculptor and mistress of Rodin.
Here's (above) a famous portrait by Edward Weston. Boy, Weston sure could take 'em!