Tuesday, October 04, 2011


I just saw the second installment of Ken Burns' documentary about prohibition. There was a lot in there that I didn't know before, and it raised some interesting questions. For example, whatever happened to neighborhood bars?

When I was a kid they were all over the place. In some neighborhoods you could find a bar on almost every corner.  They weren't especially rowdy, in fact they were sort of "family" bars, but singing and shouting would spill out into the streets on some nights, and occasionally you'd see falling down drunks trying to make their way home at night.

If you lived in the neighborhood saloon era, that institution would have seemed as permanent as motherhood, but the saloons are mostly gone now, as are cigarettes and men's hats. Things change. Drunkenness was once seen as romantic and funny. Drunks were known as jovial philosophers and truth tellers, and were on the cutting edge of the jazz era. Nowadays they're considered so....so yesterday.

Burns' documentary probably wants us to draw comparisons with today's War on Drugs. I don't smoke marijuana but I wish it would be made legal so we could put to rest all the fuss that's made about it. More serious drugs are another matter, though. If they become widespread we'll have a permanent underclass in this country, and nobody wants that.

The philosopher inside me says that on principal people have a right to destroy themselves, and that I should just mind my own business. The practical side of me says that numbers matter. A few people taking serious drugs is just an expression of an alternative lifestyle: a lot of people doing the same thing is a major threat to the stability of society.

My own philosophy about the War on Drugs (hard drugs, that is) is that it's worth fighting, even if it ultimately can't be won. Sometimes a long fight is necessary just to prevent things from getting worse than they are, and winning or losing isn't the point.

Will this problem ever be resolved? My guess is that it will, probably within a few decades.  The time will come when serious drugs just aren't considered fashionable anymore. When hard rock and hippies recede into the past, the drugs and the romantic view of them that came out of that culture will recede with them. Hard drugs will diminish, just like saloons and cigarettes did.

Maybe the real menace of this type lies in the future. Imagine an electronic brain stimulator that, at the push of a button, floods the pleasure centers of the brain with the absolute ultimate sensation of pleasure. If you think about it, nothing could ever induce you to stop pushing a button like that. No alternative could offer a higher reward. You'd push it til you starved to death.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


Michael Sporn just blogged about "Modern Sketch," a Chinese cartoon magazine originating in Shanghai in the years 1934 - 1937. I followed his link and was amazed to find a graphically sophisticated magazine, one that I'd consider subscribing to if it was still being published today. I had no idea that China, or at least the Chinese artists in Shanghai, were so hip to the trends in Europe and America.

By the way, is that bucktoothed guy on the cover...me? It could be a Chinese caricature of of what they regard as the typical pickle-nose Westerner. Or maybe I'm a strange physical type that appears again and again in every generation.

Northern China was invaded by Japan while the magazine was still being published in the South. Some of the references to the war are heart-rending. I don't know what the couple above are saying, but the thought of love and charm in the midst of chaos is interesting. Are these people crazy, or did they make a zen decision to enjoy what may be their last hours on Earth?

What a nice page (above) of line drawings!

Wow! I love sketches like this one (above).

I wish I knew what was going on here (above). Maybe it's an end of the world scenario with Japan murdering ordinary people in the street while decadent entertainment prevails in the rooms of the well-to-do. 'Just guessing. 

What the heck is happening here (above)? These fascinating pictures almost look like Tarot cards. Click to enlarge.

This magazine is a glimpse into what might have been if China had continued contact with the wider world after the thirties. Instead the country fell under the boot of Japan, then was delivered into the xenophobic hands of Mao, who I regard as a madman. 

Haw! A nice, Rapidograph-style drawing of a formal dinner...a nice reminder of what can be achieved with pen and paper.

Here's (below) the site that Michael referenced for his blog. Thanks to Greg Kelly for finding it!


Michael's site:


Friday, September 30, 2011


I recently got two very interesting comments: one by Brian regarding early childhood, and one by Roberto regarding the best way to pass a difficult AP language course, which I assume is French. I'm no expert in either of these subjects, but this is a theory site, so I feel obligated to take a stab at it. I'll tackle the language question first, and reply to Brian in another post..

Roberto: Man, my heart really goes out to you! I had a lot of trouble with French and Latin in school, which is odd, because I liked the subjects. I feel certain I could have done better if the classes had only slowed down, and maybe put more emphasis on aesthetics...but maybe I'm just making excuses.

Anyway, my advice is to get all the tutoring you can afford or can handle. Use tutors for the entire year if need be. If that doesn't help, and you're looking at a possible failing grade, then make a cold analysis of what's needed to pass. The teachers want you know grammar and irregular verbs....but maybe you can squeak through (just barely) by studying the easier things instead, like vocabulary, prefixes, translation and regular verbs.

The only other thing I can think of is to acquire a couple of raggedy old thrift-store textbooks that might explain some things in a way that excites you more than the textbook you're using. Then there's always flash cards. Or get a girlfriend who's good at French! I'm afraid that's all I can think of. Does anybody else have a thought about this?

How would I teach French 101 if I were qualified (which I'm not)? Well, for one thing I'd use more English in class than most teachers, and not rely on the total immersion technique which is popular now. Not only that, I'd require only "pigeon" French in the beginning...but in copious amounts.

What's wrong with pigeon? I'd cheerfully accept bad, ungrammatical speech, as long it succeeded in communicating. If a student said the equivalent of "Jean go library yesterday," instead of "Jean went to the library," I'd give him a passing grade. That's the way little kids learn their native language. They speak pigeon first, then refine it as they learn more.

I should add that if you speak this way in France they'll kill you. 

 Of course pigeon won't give students a love for the language. You need first rate literature and rhetoric for that. To heck with a steady diet of "Paul, open the window please." Students need to learn exciting things too, things like...like "La Marseillaise." YouTube has an excerpt of that song that was used in "Casablanca." Embedding isn't allowed, so check it out here:


 I'd love to hear a whole class sing this with passion. Maybe a couple of the students could sing the part of the nazi officers whose own song is drowned out. 

Here's (above) the same anthem sung more clearly, and with English subtitles. Boy, there's a big disconnect between the way the language is written and the way it sounds. No wonder students have trouble with it!

I love the French. They have a spirit that's bracing and unique, and which is exemplified by this amazing song (above) by Edith Piaf. Piaf delivers her nasal sounds and her "R's" like a master. The language is too often dumbed down to make it easier for foreigners to learn. I prefer it full strength, like it is here (but I would only enforce it that way in French 102).

If the video won't play, then click on this link to hear it on YouTube:


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "Not Godzilla, not King Kong, but gigantic women as tall as skyscrapers wander the streets of our great city! Who are they? Where did they come from? What do they want? Scientists are baffled, and the police are powerless to stop them! All we can say for sure, is that they seem to be searching for something....but for what?"

TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "They're peeping in windows..."

TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "...scouring rooftops...."

TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "...and listening to what goes on inside buildings! But why!? What are they looking for!???"

TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "On the streets thousands flee in terror."

TV ANNOUNCER (VO): "Roads and airports are congested as a panic-stricken population attempts to flee. The question on everybody's minds is: 'Who are these women? What do they want!??' " 


CO-WORKER #1: "Oh, my God! One of those women is outside right now! We're all 
gonna die!"

UNCLE EDDIE (EXASPERATED): "(Sigh!) You're not going to die. Nobody's going to die, except maybe me. I'm the one they're looking for."

CO-WORKER #2: "YOU!!!??? The office boy? YOU'RE the one they're looking for??? Why?"

UNCLE EDDIE: "Weeeell, they're kinda' my old girlfriends. They were all too short, and I like tall girls, so I used to sneak vitamins into their drinks. I guess I over did it. "

CO-WORKER #3: "Well, tell them to go away!"

UNCLE EDDIE: "You can't just tell somebody 50ft. tall to go away! 

UNCLE EDDIE: "Look, just chill out a little longer, and when they can't find me, they'll go away. They'll never, ever find me here!" 

GIANT: "Eddie!? Is that you?"

The giant takes off her dress and does a sultry rub against the side of the building.

GIRLFRIEND #4: "Ooooh, Eddie! I've been looking for you...sooooo long!"

ON THE STREET: Eddie's car careens out of the parking garage. 

UNCLE EDDIE: "I gotta get outta here!"

Another girlfriend blocks the way.

GIRLFRIEND #5: " Eddie, there you are! Let's have lunch!"

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Good Grief!"

SCREEEEECH! The car screeches to a halt then takes off in a different direction.

MATILDA: "Eddie! It's me, Matilda! I still have your Tiny Tim records!"


UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Sorry, Matilda! 'Can't talk now!"

DAISY: "Eddie! At last I..."

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Sorry Daisy! 'Gotta go!"

Eddie's car races through traffic, takes lots of shortcuts.

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Sorry! Pardon me!"

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "So Sorry!"

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Excuse me! Sorry!

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "Beg your pardon! Excuse me! Pardon!"

UNCLE EDDIE: "Huh? What's this?" 

UNCLE EDDIE (VO): "I'll just park infront of this orange thing. They'll never find me here."

MILDRED (VO): "Soooo THERE you are!!!!"

MILDRED: "It's me...Mildred, your girlfriend! You were running away, weren't you? Oooohh, I'm so mad! I could..."

MILDRED: "....Ha ha! Just kidding! You know I could never be mad at you! I like you so much, I could just eat you up..."


UNCLE EDDIE: "Um, how 'bout a cup of coffee? You know, all sweet and everything, just the way you like it!?"

EXT. COFFEE SHOP, LATER: Mildred waits outside while Uncle Eddie goes inside to score some coffee. A passer-by stops to stare. 

MILDRED: "What are YOU looking at!?"


STARBUCKS EMPLOYEE:  "And what size will that coffee be, sir? Large, larger, or "grande?"

He looks back at Mildred (outside).

UNCLE EDDIE: "I'll have the MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO GRANDE please, with a couple of sacks of sugar and, oh yeah...a 2X4 to stir it with!


Many thanks to GARCIA ACCASBEL for the great girl photography!