Friday, December 04, 2015


I had more to say about Disneyland than I could fit into Monday's post, so I'll write about that today.  What struck me on the last visit was the architecture of the Pinocchio ride, "Pinocchio's Daring Journey." I was amazed to see how many iconic details were packed into it. Everywhere there were turrets and towers, carved and painted pillars, flower boxes on balconies, colorful pennants of all types...well, it would be a long list. Suffice it to say that Central European motiffs were well represented there.

Inside (above) the architectural compression was even more extreme. Parts of faux buildings overlap and interfere with each other as if an earthquake had pushed them together. I found myself wondering if real-world business buildings could be made like that, I mean with tumbling block shapes. Would they be disorienting for the real-world people inside? Could they be made cheaply? I don't know.

I love this picture! The whole foreground and middle ground is a sort of art-directed tunnel in which cars on rails ratchet up to the front under a canopy of colorful shapes. It's all carefully lit like a Hollywood set with natural sunlight providing a counterpoint. The focal point, what everything points to, is a mysterious dark cave where we glimpse a warm-colored...something.

The car we're sitting in takes us into the cave and up to the something, which turns out to be dancing puppets (above). I love that double proscenium arch with the carving in the middle. I don't think that design was used in the movie, though.

The proscenium in the film (above) was simpler.

The ride fills the viewer with enthusiasm for puppets. You'd think the ride would let out into a store where you could buy puppets, but it doesn't...a missed opportunity in my opinion. Fantasyland desperately needs a good toy store where puppets of all kinds can be had. Most of the Pinocchio toys sold at Disneyland are plush dolls, which are inappropriate.

They should sell posters, too, like the one above.

The Pinocchio ride ends with a ride through Gheppetto's workshop where unique wooden toys are on display. Toys like that should be on sale.

One more picture (above) and I'm out of here....whaddaya think of these pennants? I'm considering making something like this for my workroom at home.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015


The New Horizons probe has been slow to send back its images of Pluto, but they're coming in now and they're exceeding expectations.

Here's (above) an Everest-type series of mountains next to what appears to be a lava lake or a glacier.

Here's (above) the remnant of a shield volcano. It's possible that the lava coming out of Pluto's mantle was liquid water. 

Here's (above) a field of craters, most of which are about a kilometer across. They're not impact craters, but are cheese-type holes only ten feet deep in a bed of solid nitrogen. 

 Above, the five moons of Pluto and their relative sizes.

Above, that's Charon, the biggest of Pluto's moons. It's half the size of Pluto which makes it the largest moon in the solar system relative to the size of its host planet. This is an astonishing photo because it reveals a world which is divided into two distinct parts separated by a belt of stress cracks.

Seeing this reminds me of the speculation that Earth once had two moons, one following behind the other in the same orbit. The smaller moon caught up with the larger one and slowly squashed into it with the result that today half of our moon has a substantially thicker crust than the other half.

I call this speculation because there's another scenario that might also explain the thinner crust on our side. Advocates say that early on, our moon was closer than it is now, and was heated by the newly formed molten Earth. The heat softened the moon's crust on our side allowing volcanoes to spew out lava that changed the surface of the side facing us. This explanation has less credibility for me because it would lead to a thickening on our side, not a thinning, which is what we see.

Anyway, the squashed appearance of Charon lends support to the idea that some sort of gradual collision happened there.

That's all I have to say about Pluto, but I can't resist putting up this photo of Phobos, a moon of Mars. Phobos is much closer to Mars than our moon is to us, and it appears to be spiralling in for a crash. The white smears on the right are thought to be stretch marks as the moon is being pulled apart by tidal forces.

My source for this photo didn't include an estimate for the time of impact, so maybe it's no time soon. When it occurs the debris is expected to form a ring around the planet.

Monday, November 30, 2015


Yep! I've been to Disneyland again and the thing that caught my attention this time was the tram that connects the parking structure with the park. I especially liked the lecture the conductor played. It sounded like a poem...well, sort of.

Was it really poetry? Listen to the video above and judge for yourself!

I'd love to have been a beatnik poet in the 50s reciting this in a coffee house...

UNCLE EDDIE: "Okay, okay...I call this thing 'The Tram.' Here's how it goes...."

Hello everybody! 
Welcome aboard the Mickey and Friends Tram!
As a courtesy to other passengers
We ask that there be no eating,
drinking or smoking on board.

For your safety remain seated
With your hands, arms and legs inside, and...
And supervise children.
Be sure to hold on to hats, glasses and any loose items...
Items that could fall from the train.

If an article should fall,
Please stay seated until the next stop, 
And inform the nearest cast member.

Before entering the park,
I'd like to remind you, 
that smoking isn't permitted, 
Except in designated... 

As a courtesy to other passengers we ask,
That there be no eating, smoking or drinking on board.
And now....
...In just a few moments, we will arrive at...
...The  Disneyland  Resort  Entrance  Plaza!
Thank you!

The crowd expresses its approval.

UNCLE EDDIE: "Drat! 'Plaza' didn't rhyme with 'board.'

BTW: Thanks to Mark for taking the great Disneyland photo!

Thursday, November 26, 2015


It's Thanksgiving again, that wonderful day of days when we put aside our differences and recall the blessings we've received all year.

It all starts with a reading from the Good Book. 

The local pastor solemnizes the occasion with a prayer of thanks, then the meal begins.

Good manners prevail.

All are welcome at the table. 

No arguments between brother and sister on this day.

Couples are reconciled.

Friendships are solidified.

We're given a glimpse into a better world...

...a world of friendship and co-operation, of love and harmony, of...



FWOOOMP! SWOOOP!!!! THWOMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! The car fills up and peels out!

PASSENGERS: "I lost a tooth!" "My eye! My eye!"

A mad rush to the mall!


Boy, Black Friday can get pretty intense!

Here's hoping that you got what you were looking for!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


'Only two drawings this time, but they're both heavy hitters.

How do you like this early one (above) by John K? It's so wonderfully ignorant, so delightfully, class clown. It reminds me of why I got into the cartoon industry in the first place. When you draw every day for a living it's so easy to get diverted into the refinement of technique. You need to see something like this to be reminded that what we do is all about getting a laugh.

This one (above) is by my daughter. Apologies if I posted it before. I can't remember. Anyway, that's me sipping a soda at Carl Jr.'s. Boy, it's so streamlined, so stripped down to essentials. Here a man with weird hair and a massive bull moose of a face, puckers his lips to drink daintily from a needle-thin straw. How did she come up with that?

For comparison, a few days ago I took this picture (above).

Monday, November 23, 2015


I found an old envelope of scraps in the garage and here's a few samples. The picture above is my kid when he was a baby, drawn by John K.

Haw! Another John baby picture of my kid. This was for his first birthday. 

I think this (above) is a John drawing too, but it's not done in one of his usual styles. Haw! I remember telling him that the colorful, plastic watches little girls were wearing looked better than the ones worn by most grown men, and this drawing was the result.

Here's (above, right) a really early caricature of me by my daughter. She hadn't discovered her own style yet but I see glimpses of it in the eyes, teeth, ear hair and beard stubble. I love the transparent pants. 

I think this (above) is me again. She often drew me with a cigarette, even though I didn't smoke. Haw! Little kids are fascinated by adult smoking.

These are fragments of doodles I did with a hard, HB pencil applied with a light touch. I held the pencil high, the way Chuck Jones said to do it, and it worked. I wish I'd done more HB sketches. I usually work with a 4B.