Showing posts with label eddie photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eddie photos. Show all posts

Friday, January 08, 2010


ON ROBBER ISLAND: Peter Pan's dog is a prisoner of Captain Hooked, and has convinced the pirate that Pan is living with the robbers. Hooked scans the landscape with his spyglass but sees nothing.

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "I have to tell ya, I don't see Pan, and I don't see any robbers."

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Why would there be any robbers here, anyway?"

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "I'm the only person they ever steal from, and I don't live around here."

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Now Mermaid Island, that's the place for a robber."

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "The mermaids have all that stupid fan merchandise of Peter Pan."

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Imagine buying that stuff?"

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "You'd have to be so...Mmmph (His false teeth are removed in mid-speech)!"

Robbers restore his false teeth, hat, etc.

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Well, I don't see any robbers. This is a deserted island. You brought me to a deserted island!"

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Haw Haw! I guess the joke was on me! You sure put one over on the old Captain!"

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "That's alright! A little DOG PIE tonight, and I'll feel OK again!"

CAPTAIN HOOKED: "Wha?....What's wrong?"

END CREDITS: I did the black and white photo story and genius filmmaker Jim Arnold did the color film of the robbers!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The wide-angled picture above was intended to open a parody of "The Christmas Carol" but my kid is visiting, and he's hogging the computer. I can't get enough time on the machine to shoot the story. Oh well, it's great to have him home for the holidays. I'll just have to put up something else. Too bad. Scrooge is the role I was born to play.

Well, let's see....what do you think of this (above)? This is one of a bunch of pictures that I shot on a whim at various times, and couldn't find a use for. There's some more here...hmmmmm.....

                                          Egad! I'm Howard Stern (above)!

Let me try an experiment.  I want to see if these pictures will take the same layout on the blog that I'm seeing when I type.

Jake the barber (above) encounters the girl of his dreams while on his lunch hour. If I were a photographer I'd try mightily to shoot candid pictures with themes like this, but I'd probably fail.The chance of capturing real moments like this must be one in a million.

Here William Buckley (left) interviews....

...Noam Chomsky (above)...

...and it's all observed by Robert Culp (left).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hey, it's me, Uncle Eddie! You're not going to believe what happened!

John V. sent me a Christmas song...and it's about me!!!! It's a rewrite of "Must Be Santa!"

What are we waiting for? Let's sing it! I'll just dial up some music to go with it...there, that's it (Bob Dylan's "Must Be Santa")!

Who admires Glen Kennedy's work?
Eddie admires Glen Kennedy's work!
Who thinks Ray Bradbury's a jerk?
Eddie thinks Ray Bradbury's a jerk!

Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...
Must be Eddie, must be Eddie, must be Eddie, Eddie F.!

Who wrote the TTA segment "Pluck Twacy"?
Eddie wrote the TTA segment "Pluck Twacy!"

Who posts photographs which are racy?
Eddie posts photographs which are racy!
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...

Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...
Must be Eddie, must be Eddie, must be Eddie, Eddie F.!

Who has license to act pretentious?
Eddie has license to act pretentious!

Who posts theories which are contentious?
Eddie posts theories which are contentious!

Posts contentious, acts pretentious...
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...

Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...

Must be Eddie, must be Eddie, must be Eddie, Eddie F.!

(He grabs the Tooth Fairy, who happened to be passing by)

Who when he hears this song will barf?
Eddie, when he hears this song, will barf!

Who laughs this way: Narf! Narf! Narf!
Eddie laughs this way: Narf! Narf! Narf!

Narf Narf Narf, he will barf...

Posts contentious, acts pretentious...
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...
Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...

Must be Eddie, must be Eddie, must be Eddie, Eddie F.!


...and thanks a million to John V.!

BTW: I don't really think Ray Bradbury's a jerk. I love the guy...he just can't stand the sight of me!

BTW: Thanks to commenter Lastangelman for identifying the source of the arrangement on Dylan's "Must Be Santa": it's a group called The Brave Combo. Their site is definitely worth a visit: