Thursday, November 03, 2016


Well, Halloween's over! It was great, wasn't it?

I didn't have time to go for an art-directed porch this year, so I went for the kind favored by rural farmers and Ray Bradbury-type kids living in small towns (above). How do you like it? No, I didn't make the dummy shown in the photo, but mine was pretty close. I was proud of it.

Gee, this'll be my last Halloween in Los Angeles. I'll be moving soon and my next Halloween will be spent in a town something like the one above.

Spooky little Charles Burchfield towns like that (above) were tailor-made for Halloween.

In such a town it's easy to imagine a witch landing on a roof, reaching into a window, grabbing a child, and flying away with her.

 What would happen to such a kid? Who knows? The forest would simply "absorb" her.

She'd merge with the Fall leaves.

She'd melt under the sleet and freezing rain.

It's no wonder that people make up stories about places like this. Maybe I'll try my hand at it myself.

Friday, October 28, 2016


For centuries Europe had been the scene of increasingly senseless slaughter. Wars of succession, religion, territory and trade proliferated. No excuse for discord was too small.

Then there was the Black Plague, a disease whose origin remains controversial, even today. 

The men who presided over Europe in those days were enigmatic. Their portraits were often downright creepy. 

Who were these people and why did they do nothing to stop the violence? Often they seemed to promote it. 

Europe was devastated. Almost everywhere evil triumphed. 

With their backs against the wall, the dwindling number of survivors devised a risky plan of escape. They'd take ships to the New World. 

Little did they know that they'd taken part of the Old World with them.

What occurred on some of those ships hasn't been recorded.

We can surmise that some of them ended up in Central and South America. We see a resurgence of cannibalism there and what appears to be pointless tribal warfare in this period. 

 Giant predatory animals and birds also appeared on that continent in this era.

Who made these things and why?

Up in North America the colonists were surprised to find themselves battling an outbreak of witchcraft, something they thought they'd left behind. At first they seemed to have it under control....

...but the "Others" (that's what they called themselves) launched a vigorous counterattack and the trials were ended. 

After that, the Others and their successors spread throughout the new country. How many were there? Nobody knows. Maybe we can get a rough idea by examining old 19th Century photos. How many of the subjects of those pictures appear to you to be different, to be...Other?


BTW: Haw! The facts of this story are completely made fiction...but they make a good story, don't they?

Gee, this Halloween I'll be too busy with moving to celebrate. I do want to give out candy at the door, though. Maybe I can dig out my old Muskrat lodge uniform. 

Have a good Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I love family portraits, especially those of evil, deceased matriarchs or patriarchs who continue to inspire fear in the family they left behind. 

Of particular interest are the ones who left a will that constrains the family to live in a gloomy, joyless old house for the rest of their lives. 

Maybe their portraits contain the clues needed to discover a hidden treasure, buried somewhere in the house. 

Poor Aunt Matilda: she greedily stared at her father's portrait for years, hoping to discover its secret. Some say that's how she acquired her father's deviant personality. Others say she went mad. 

A death mask (above) was left behind. The terms of the will required it to hang on the wall overlooking the dinner table.

A greedy relative (above) and her worthless husband once stayed in the house for a summer while they tore apart walls looking for the money. Matilda won't say what happened to them.

Yikes! I'm scaring myself! I think I'll change the subject. Let me lighten things up with this cheery picture (above) of Sadie Hawkins, drawn by Al Capp.

Hmmmm. I wonder what Matilda would have thought of Sadie wait, I said I'd change the subject.

Okay, I'm leaving now. Bye!

Monday, October 24, 2016


More Halloween porch pictures! Geez, I wish I had the original poster this cabbage monster came from. 

Veeery nice! The original of this would have been a great portrait to frame and put up on the wall of a guest room.  

This guy's great! There's half a chance the girl you marry will have a brother like this. 

Why don't cereal boxes have cutout masks like this one (above)?

Every year the Halloween stores offer some new category of things. Last year it was realistic plastic animal skeletons and dog costumes. This year it's blow-up balloon gear and cat costumes. 

I like the "Spirit" stores' new slogan: "Make Halloween Great Again!" Amen! It's a great holiday!

I love creepy old woodcuts and etchings (above). 

Hand-painted, charming, funny drawings like the one above make great porch pictures. 

Believe it or not, this (above) was a newspaper illustration. 

Big, home-made, framed cartoon characters make great porch decorations. I like mixing funny cartoons with pictures of monsters and ghosts.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Here's a bunch of random Halloween photos I've been saving all year. I can't remember where I got most of them.

What the heck is this (above)? Is it a mask? Is it a sculpture? The big face in the middle is too grotesque for my taste, but the toes look great.
Vermilion (above) is one of the world's great artificial colors. It's stark and in-your-face like day-glow colors are, but it also has a mystical appeal, which may be why shades of it appear on Chinese temples and magic store items.

Drat! I've had a pair of glasses like this (above) for years and just broke them.
Is this (above) plastic or plaster?  I can't tell. 

Maybe I can pick up some plastic masks this season. They get harder to find every year.

I like the crudely-drawn look on this holiday decoration (above) from the 1920s. You can wish the draughtsmanship had been better, but then it wouldn't have been as funny. 

I'll be moving to a more rural place soon and there's half a chance that I'll be regarded as the town weirdo. Maybe I should decorate accordingly. 

Have you ever seen the newspaper comic strip, "Happy Hooligan?" That's (above) how he would look as a pumpkin.