Sometimes I have trouble using my %$&#@ computer. Fortunately I have a techie daughter who answers my questions but I can see the thought balloon above her head which reads, "Why does my dad have so much trouble with this stuff? What's wrong with his generation? Why are they all so dense?" Consulting my crystal ball I can see where all this is leading...
Dad: Help! Daughter, you gotta help me! I can't put on my socks! They won't let my feet in!
Daughter: (rolls eyes up) Well, maybe you didn't enable them!
Dad: Enable? What's that?
Daughter: (rolls eyes way up) You know, enable them! You have to activate the program!
Dad: What program? I just want to put on my socks.
Daughter: (rolling up eyes again, can't believe how stupid her dad is) Here, let me do it (she punches a code into the sock)! Here!
Dad: I still can't put it on!
Daughter: Well, maybe you need a new driver!
Dad: How do I get that?
Daughter: Dad, if you'd taken that community college course in socks I told you about you wouldn't have to bother me with questions.
Dad: I shouldn't have to take a course to put on a pair of socks! When I was a kid eveything was so simple!
Daughter: When you were a kid socks didn't tell you the weather.
Dad: I don't want socks to tell me the weather!
Daughter: (exasperrated) Here, take this book: "Putting on Socks for Complete Dummies." It's only 300 pages and comes with a CD ROM. And here's the name of an online sock message board. You'll get the hang of it yet!
Dad: (Groan!)