I was thinking about trying an animation program that a friend turned me on to, and I needed an idea for something to animate. After thinking about it for a while I settled on hand insults. you gotta' admit they're funny. Suprisingly there's not a whole lot written on this subject. The best book was written by a neapolitan priest named deJorio in 1832. He didn't work with a very good artist and he declined to write about anything he thought was dirty, which probably leaves out a lot. Most frustrating of all, he left out explanations of things that he thought were so common as not to need description, and now those expressions are gone forever.
I'm dying to go to Naples and see what's left of the hand and body insult. Dejorio says they developed because people there had to communicate between balconies over the noise of the streets.
I wonder how slapping games developed? Dejorio said Neapolitans were always slapping each other on any excuse. Even educated aristocrats would play slapping games where a designated slapper would stand behind the slapee and give him a good whack on the back of the head. It had to be hard enough to make the guy mad. The guy would turn around and the grinning slapper would present both hands. The slap receiver would have to guess which hand he was slapped with. A wrong guess meant more slaps. If he guessed right he got to trade places with the slapper. I'll bet there were a lot of fights.

Everybody's favorite hand symbol is that of the evil eye. It has to do with imitating the horns of the devil. Neapolitans were obsessed with horn references. The gesture on the right (above)could mean evil eye but it could also mean a host of other horn-related things. Here's a partial list (below):

Nifty stuff, huh? I think we should bring back hand insults, though I could do without the slapping games.