More maps from the endlessly fascinating site: "" None of these maps look very good when reduced to the size they are here, so be sure to click to enlarge them.
So, what do you think of this 1950s map of Europe as seen by Moscow (above)? It's amazing what a difference a new vantage point makes!
This (above) anal-retentive, proposed reconstruction of London is a powerful argument to prove that Mensa should never be allowed to rule the world.
Here's (above) a map of Europe from 1915. When I was a kid newspapers would frequently put up high-quality novelty illustrations like this, but as time went on I saw less and less of them. It's wrong to say that internet news outcompeted newspapers. The newspapers the computer beat were hamstrung versions that hardly resembled the dynamic papers of the past.
A fascinating star chart (above)! According to this the first transmissions of "Seinfeld" have already reached Altair.
Here's what these cities (above) actually looked like when the map was made 60 years ago. Some have human faces. Boy, cities are kind of ugly when seen in silhouette.
No attempt at realism in this cyber map (above), but it's still intriguing.
Holy Cow! Africa (above) is THAT big!!!????
I reprint this map of the Hollow Earth (above) just in case your car breaks down while you're driving in there.
Another map with a novel orientation (above)...the world as seen from Irkutsk.
This (above) won't mean anything til you enlarge it. It's a vulture's map of Ethiopia, maybe from the 40s. Why a vulture? I don't know, but it sure is neat!
Here's (above) a children's book map of some imaginary islands in the South Pacific.
A map of Europe (above) made with girl's underpants!
I have no idea where this map (above) comes from, but it's hilarious! You could make this kind of map of the desks in your classroom, or of your work place.
BTW: This is my thousandth post on Blogger! Imagine that! I didn't know I had a thousand things to say! I wish this stuff was broadcast, rather than crammed into the phone lines. It would be exciting to know that some...
thing... with tentacles slithering around Altair 4 would hear about this someday and wonder who I was.