Saturday, February 13, 2016


My computer room is in disarray so I can't shoot the fresh visuals I'd need to illustrate this story. Instead I'll borrow some pictures of myself from previous blogs and hope for the best. Here goes....

Having acknowledged, at a very early age, the indispensability of women, I had to find the answer to only one question: which one?

The girl I found was a hormone driven boy's dream come true, but she was also given to outbursts of sentimentality. She's still that way today. She's a buddy. Women bore her. She insists on buying her round, but she secretly hopes that doors will be opened for her because she's really a quivering jelly of feminine sensitivity.

She writes mystery stories which I'm not allowed to read. She used to paint, but the possibilities of two dimensions have been exhausted, and, besides, the brushes are stiff with neglect. She subscribes to a literary magazine but doesn't always read it because of the demands of her career, of being a mother, and of being a righter of her husband's wrongs.

She crawls from room to room, gratefully whimpering when she finds masculine disorder and piteously hurt by any indications of masculine independence.  She is what writer Patrick Catling described as a "sweetly scented pink octopus of maternal solicitude."

She keeps looking up from her Sudoku (above) to smile. She wields a thermometer like a magic wand.

She's a terrible weight pressing hotly on the shoulders,  a hobble, a blindfold, a distracting sound, a thick wad of fly-paper in the Kleenex box. But she is necessary.

The tests have been numerous, but the final outcome had already been decided long ago when we were both councilors at the same Summer camp.

In the dark, in a rowboat beached under a sheltering cave of pine needles, in spite of awful fear, I first kissed Woman. Though it was an inaccurate kiss, just a touch of the lips, it was a kiss of total commitment. I hadn't yet come across Yeats' advice: "Never give all the heart." I intuitively spurned the advice then and gave all the heart there was, and I give it still.

BTW: This is a much altered version of a tome by children's author, Patrick Skene Catling.

Friday, February 12, 2016


Valentine's day is almost here! Guys are supposed to be above it, as if were a holiday made only for women. I just don't see it that way. I like everything about it. Even the cliches make complete sense to me. 

Well...everything except Vermont Teddy Bears. Who thought of that, anyway?

Romance is a writers dream. Stories of that sort practically write themselves, maybe because there's so many kinds of romance. 

There's tough guy romances for the worldly types...

...and over-the-top sentimental stories for those who like their emotion full-strength. 

You don't have to locate your story in exotic locations. Romance happens everywhere, even in small town America. The character types are all people we're familiar with.

Like the guy who muscles in.  It happens when you're least expecting it. A total stranger opens the car door for your girl, which on the face of it is harmless, but once in a while there's a palpable subtext that says, "Why don't you dump this loser and go out with a real man?" Yikes! 

The intruder usually has the advantage. He has plausible deniability on his side. After all, he was just being friendly. 

There's not a lot that you can do, unless it happens frequently. If you overreact your girl'll think you're crazy. Boy, love can be painful...but for a writer, all that suffering is pure gold. Nobody's going to put a book down in the middle of an intruder scene.

Romance is especially painful for the young and klutzy.  Here (above) our guy attempts to hold the door open for a special girl who's racing for the elevator.  Maybe he pushes the "Door Open" button to help her out. 

Only he pushes the "Door Close" button by mistake. That's what young people do. In real life these kinds of gaffs really aren't very important. If a girl holds them against you then she probably wasn't meant for you anyway.

The girl who really is meant for you will be blind to your faults, as you are to hers. That's the delightful, wonderful thing about love. It truly is blind!

I believe in it. It's a noble thought, both practical and transcendent; well worth endless novels and well worth a day of the year devoted exclusively to it. .

Tuesday, February 09, 2016


Here it is, the barbell-shaped Comet 67P as seen from the Rosetta probe this time last year. The amount of water discovered there locates the origin as the Kyper Belt or maybe the even more distant Oort Cloud. The question that needs to be answered is, how did it get here, in the Inner Solar System?

If it came from the Oort Cloud the possibility exists that it was kicked in our direction by the gravitational influence of Nemisis, a hypothetical brown dwarf star that might be a companion of our Sun.

Since no one has found Nemesis, it may not exist. If it doesn't then a rogue planet the size of Earth could have done the trick, or even events in the Alpha Centauri System which is next to ours.

Gee, Ceres (above) turned out to be disappointing. It's just a big ball with a couple of puzzling white spots. The asteroid is so big and round that it's been promoted to the status of Dwarf Planet.

This picture of Pluto shows Wright Mons, the largest volcano in the outer Solar System. The magma consisted mostly of molten water. Few craters are in evidence near the volcano indicating that the last big eruption must have been  recent.

I'll end with this (above) picture of "light pillars" in Alaska. They appear when fog brings in a rain of tiny, flat ice chips. I almost didn't post this because fluky things like this always seem to be happening somewhere on the Earth these days, but, when you think about it, that's why flukes like this are worth noting...because they're so common.

The latest advances in photography and satellites are revealing just how common the uncommon events are. I don't know about you, but I can't think of thunderstorms now without imagining the red, jellyfish-shaped "sprites" that have recently been discovered above storm clouds. Weird events in the sky have presumably been happening for eons, but we just haven't been able to record them til now.

Saturday, February 06, 2016


A couple of posts back I hinted that my wife was a sentimental romantic who, if given free reign, would decorate our house like Laura Ashley or Thomas Kincaid.  That's not exactly true, as you'll see in a moment.

I just said that about her because her recent choices struck me that way, but now I feel guilty about it. Just so I don't burn forever in Liar's Hell, I'll try to compensate by giving a more balanced view of her here. I'll show you how she decorated her own workroom, which I find endlessly fascinating.

Well, to start off, she's had a technical education so she hung a number of framed photos of old-time civil engineering projects on the wall.  The one above shows a wooden trestle leading to a logging camp in Oregon.

Then she has a number of funky wooden shelves to hold her rock collection. They're mostly samples she collected herself on her travels. Inbetween the rocks, on the wood-paneled walls, she's hung canteens, old oil lamps, camping paraphernalia and a Navajo Indian rug.

There's a few geological maps up there.

And a nifty forest poster.

And animal posters. She loves wildlife.

She's an archer and put up a couple of target posters with animals on them, but they're for show and she'd almost rather die than shoot anything that's alive.

She likes chemistry...

...and she's very fond of this Fragonard print (above) showing a girl reading. She's read a gazillion Agatha Christie-type mysteries and collects Kipling, Karl May, Jean Straton Porter and the Travers Mary Poppins books .

She put up this replica of a Renaissance bas-relief and it looks great.

Well, that's it more or less. There's family photos and stuff like that but I won't bother you with that. Um, there's one more picture you need to see, but it's not from my wife's workroom.

Haw! It's a picture I assembled.  It shows me as Mr. Meek with a portrait of my fictional wife in the background. It's funny for Mr. Meek to have a wife like that and my real-life wife...who's very sweet...will hopefully understand when she sees herself slandered on the wall over my desk.  Sigh! I hope she realizes that sometimes you just have to take it on the chin for art.

Yikes! I made myself transparent! I'll fix it!

Thursday, February 04, 2016


Doggone it! Here I am, a working artist, and my kid draws better than I do!!!!! Oops, I should have said "drew" because these sketches were made years ago when my daughter was in Junior High. We'd pay an after school visit to Carl Jr.'s. and would take turns drawing each other while eating burgers.

Haw! Look how carefully drawn the beard stubble (above) is.  My kid was certain that the secret to drawing me was to draw the five o'clock shadow first. Get that right and everything else just falls into place. She took endless pains to perfect it then whipped out the rest of the drawing fast, almost as an afterthought.

Here (above) she draws me eating a burger. My stubby turnip fingers deliver the big wafer up to my massive head where it's masticated by a tiny mouth. Fleeing the carnage, every crumb that can make it to the lip takes a suicidal plunge into the ether.

And here she does the back of my head, highlighting the thin wispy neck hairs under the hairline. I've posted this before but I can't resist doing it again.

When she wasn't drawing me I drew my kid (above), except she changed poses constantly to make it hard for me.

That was because she believed that posing for a picture was phony. I had to be fast to get anything at all.

Here she is near the point where she'd just woken up to go to school. When she realized I was drawing she kicked me out of the room.

How do you like those hand poses? If I had a more willing subject I could have gone down in history as the artist who captured the very first moment of wakefulness. The first! Imagine that! I'd have owned that action forever and ever!

Sunday, January 31, 2016


 Soon I'll relocate to the farm belt and have the task of decorating the walls of my new house. For that I'll need pictures. I'm considering a big print of Basquiat's "Boy and His Dog" (above).

Also Gary Panter's "Elvis Zombie"...if there are prints of this. Are there?

Or Panter's "O Babaca."

Here's (above) a wall-worthy picture by Tim Burton.

I'd also like to put up caricatures of friends. I already have all the pictures I'll need...except for one. Maybe Mike will let me copy this one (above) that John, Marlo and Kali did of him.

I picture all these works of art in a living room a little like the set for "PeeWee's Playhouse (above)." Nice, huh?

Unfortunately my wife has decorating ideas of her own (gro-o-o-oan!). I swear, men and women are two different species.

She wants a dog, too.

We got along great with our last dogs. They really liked my wife and I. The problem is, they didn't like anyone else.

Even little dogs can be pretty feisty around strangers.

I told this to my wife, and she said what am I talking about...our dogs absolutely loved strangers! Hmmmmm.