Saturday, May 02, 2009


I love the idea of customizable prefab housing, the kind an old lady could build with a screwdriver. The idea is at least a hundred years old, but sad to say, it's an idea whose time still hasn't come.

When I researched this I was surprised to see that Thomas Edison tried to make prefab houses. His idea was to make them out of concrete and build them on the site using molds.

The caption under the picture above tells the story. He sold only eleven of the houses, which were not highly regarded by the people who lived in them.

He even made concrete furniture for the houses!  Above are some concrete phonographs.

Habitat-type prefab condos were attempted in the 60s but the people who lived in them had nothing but complaints, and they got a bad rep. Here's (above) an hexagonal variant. You ordered the hexagon at the factory showroom and a crane put it into place on a frame.

Remember the flying saucer prefabs? You can still buy them.  There were plans to make high rises out of them but I don't think they were ever built. 

The prefab ideal still persists, maybe because people are reminded of it by Legos.

Lego should go into the prefab business and design real houses that look and build just like the Lego toys. I'm serious! Well, maybe the grass should be real.

I like plastic when it doesn't pretend to be something else. Fill large-size Legos with styrofoam for insulation and build real structures with them!

La Corbusier's famous "wine rack" experiment was actually built. A frame was put up and prefab  housing units were slid into place like wine bottles in a wine rack. 

In theory people living in Corbusier's wine rack could change apartments every year, to take advantage of new architectural fashions. The old apartment is simply slid out by a crane, and the new one is inserted, like a file drawer.  I'd be surprised if anyone actually did this.

Where prefab actually took hold was in small backyard structures like tool sheds, gazebos and dog houses.

Some people do attempt to live in these tiny houses. The company that sells the one above advertises that dinners seating 4 or 5 people can be comfortably held there. Of course you probably have to sleep on the table afterward.

IKEA makes prefab houses for the European market, or at least they did when the founder of the store was still alive. That's one of them above. Not very good-looking in my opinion.

The houses are meant to be furnished with IKEA furniture. A consultation with an IKEA interior designer is included with the price of the house.

Maybe 20% of all new Japanese houses are prefab (above). Toyota makes a lot of them.

Here's (above) a Japanese styrofoam prefab. Styrofoam may be the building material of the future, provided a way can be found to prevent the house from blowing away.

Maybe a little old lady with a screwdriver actually could build one of these (above).

Laugh if you want to, but whole communities of styrofoam igloos exist in Japan.

Japanese prefabs come in all sizes and shapes. The one above works fine as a counterpoint to the older houses on the street, but a whole block of houses like that might be a bit much. 

If prefab makes a comeback then the post-modern look will probably get new life. One reason prefab was abandoned years ago was that complicated prefab shapes didn't ship very well. The new architectural aesthetic with its emphasis on simplistic, flat, walls probably ships very well.

That's all I have to say on the subject, but I couldn't help throwing in this off-topic picture of a Japanese home. The builder wanted his homes to look like they were miniature communities, even though they were occupied by single families. The rooms deliberately appear like little separate buildings surrounded by paths and courtyards. Actually they're all one structure. Nifty, huh?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Mike played this for Kali, John and I over the weekend. I'm ashamed to say that I never heard of Sam & Dave before I saw this. Boy, they sure put on a show! I read that these guys actually hated each other. 

The studio band behind Sam and Dave was Booker T. and the MGs. Here (above) they do their own number, "Green Onions." When I get rich I want this to play whenever I enter a room. Imagine everyone dropping what they're doing and making a path for you as you stroll in, cigarette in hand and Rayban Wayfarers (sunglasses) on nose, through the awed crowd with this music playing in the background.

Gee, I wish cartooning was like this. Wouldn't it be great if what we did with a pencil was just as entertaining, just as cool, and just as innovative and soulfull as what Sam & Dave and Booker T. did?

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love the art of the South Pacific Islands, which is also called "oceanic art."  There are striking similarities in the styles of islands spread thousands of miles apart, and it's hard to resist the idea that all these cultures had some common country of origin. I'd guess a combination of ancient India and aboriginal Australia, but what do I know?

This art is memorable because of it's complete "otherness." Europeans just don't think this way. The make-up and masks seem to threaten with weird, supernatural horror. 

But the difference is greater than that.  If you can judge by the sculpture, island people seem to have had more of a sense of humor than Europeans. A lot of them were of the opinion that their their neighbors were outrageously funny-looking, if not downright ugly, and they took every opportunity to lambast them with carved caricatures that they set up outside their huts. No wonder they were at war all the time. 

Gee, maybe some of them (above) were kind deficient. 

I've seen lumpy heads like this one (above) plenty of times in the National Geographic. I guess that's what happens when you live around trillions of bugs.

There's a theory that primitive people who go around naked don't think of themselves as naked. As long as they have that little string around their waists they feel completely clothed. Woe to the uncouth villager who forgets to put his string on in the morning.

Some sculptures (above) appear to have been caricatures, pure and simple.

Others (above) seem to have had deep, mystical significance. 

Here (above) Balinese style seems to merge with an island sensibility. And look at the symmetry. It's odd how primitive man is often so wedded to symmetry

Nice mask (above)! A flat out caricature!

I didn't know that Sammy Davis Jr. (above) used to live in the tropics.

These masks from the 19th Century all look contemporary. I just can't believe they're as old as claimed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here's one of my favorite pictures (above) of Veronica Lake,  who sacrificed half her vision to give her fans a new look.  Here the hair looks like it's glued on her face...Holy Cow, maybe it was!

Big ears, bare neck and a shaggy poodle skin collar with Frankenstein shoulder pads.

Poodles (above) have great hair...but you know that already.

Here's (above) one of my all-time favorite girl drawings. It radiates humor and energy!

This (above) portrait photo would be a great present if it were larger and framed. Maybe it needs a little cropping on the sides.

I'm speechless!

Sam Shepherd (above) in drag?

I propose that the National Bird Dropping Society use this picture (above) for their logo.

Here's a picture (above) of Camille Claudel, sculptor and mistress of Rodin.

Here's (above) a famous portrait by Edward Weston. Boy, Weston sure could take 'em!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Has anyone, except maybe Peter Lorre, ever taken as many sickly pictures as Marlena Dietrich? There are a ton of them! Even her happy pictures like the one above, have an eerie, just-back-from-the-dead quality. This isn't a criticism, I like these pictures, I just think they're funny.

Here's (above) Marlena in what appears to be a picture of a dead person poured into a chair. Her hat is a crow, ready to feast on the carrion.

Dietrich's face (above) is a skull.

Here (above) Dietrich looks up at us like one of the pit characters in Dante's "Inferno." It's a beautifully executed picture. I wonder who made it. Maybe Steichen. 

Lots of pictures show her hanging on things, so as not to fall on the floor.

Oops! Too late! Here (above) she catches herself in mid-fall, while her other tortured self looks on.

This time (above) she clings to a pillar.  

Above, the just-poured corpse again.

I wonder why the death motiff was so popular in Dietrich's time. Was it a product of WWI or the Spanish Flu? Maybe it came out of the over-the-top pulps.

Here (above) she appears to be seconds from death.

Garbo also sat for a lot of sickly pictures, except Garbo seemed to exemplify severe depression rather than death. 

During the WWII years sickly was out and the healthy, wholesome look was in. 

Monday, April 20, 2009


I just found out about this show. I never heard of it before today. Are all the episodes as funny as this one?