Here's two pictures of me. The top one was drawn by Mike Fontanelli and is influenced a bit by John K's caricature style. The bottom one was drawn 100% by John and was used in a Ren & Stimpy episode called "Onward and Upward."
I find it shocking that two pictures of the same man can be so different. Evidently I'm still recognizably me even when the back of my head sticks out like a torpedo, as it does in Mike's sketch above. It doesn't matter that my head doesn't really have that shape.
As long as my most recognizable unique features are still there (the nose, teeth,dog ears and chinless neck) a lot of the other features can apparently be changed at will, without harming the likeness.
What this demonstrates is that a caricaturist is not confined to exaggerating what he sees. We only have to do that for the most significant parts. We can make up other parts. We can put something in just because its funny, as long as in some sense it still feels like the person we're drawing.
I don't know about you but I find that liberating!
There's an Eddy in the scene where Ranger Smith changes model in Day In The Life of RS!
See ya
My biggest problem with caricature is that I always end up being too constrained and too true to reality. I hope someday I'll be able to do really wild and spontaneous stuff like you pros do!
I recently found out that when doing caricature, capturing the likeness of the person and then exaggerating th parts that stand out is the easy part. The HARD part is then applying those same things when drawing them as monkeys.
Eddie plays Cigarettes the cat in Weekend Pussy Hunt, and in episode two you constantly hear Eddies laugh!
This post reminds me of the introduction you wrote to Amid's sketchbook.
{One day I caught him adding a cleft chin to someone who didn't have one. I asked him why he did that and he replied "I had to add it because if I didn't, it wouldn't look like him." And son of a gun he was right. Sometimes you have to draw what's not there in order to capture the essence of what is there.)
I try to keep this in mind when I do caricature but it rarely works out :( Anyways, thanks for the amazing and manly drawing lessons!
Liberating indeed! Thanks for the tip!!!
Love the blog!
Hee, these are interesting. Yes, it's fascinating to me just how many different ways there are to caricature one person--although at the studio I work in I notice sometimes someone (always someone great, of course) comes up with a kind of paradigm that everyone loves so much that other versions become weird to them...your face is a good example, because you're right--in particular I've never really thought that John K nose is anything like yours at all--in fact is the opposite shape of your nose(see photos on John's blog). That second, more realistic one is much closer(were you supposed to be that guy they "moved into" in that show?).
Anyway, to sum up: I like this theory: damn the torpedoes, just draw it the way you see it!
Those sketches are really well done. However, I'm still not sure that the first sketch looks like you, Eddie.
oh crap.
i have a jillion caricature theories.
i'll just say that i'm happy you used the term, "feels like" because that's real real real awesome and important. it's the very reason why i prefer to draw someone in person, rather than a photograph.
being able to caricature is another sense, a feeling.
(REALLY know and "SEE" what a person looks like has more to do with what they "feel" like) which has do to with your memory of them as a person,how they move and as a mass of flesh too.
but jeez you know all this
crap i should post a how-to!!!!
Hey Marlo--Eddie: notice the fine and protruberant lashes Johnnie put on that second one of you? HA! Yes, they are there...I think those Marlo ones are so poifect! But I already said that, didn't I?
Hey, did you really check out The Norths? I can't believe it! I was so hung up on them I burned through a dozen in a month, found them in a local mystery bookshop with loads of OP treasures including pulps, all kinds of fun stuff...they were a real life Nick & Nora(the authors); wrote for the New Yorker in the 30s.
And Betty MacDonald? I think she's the greatest domestic humorist ever...all her books are unbelievably great(perhaps one of the others would ring your bell): "The Plague and I"(when she had TB), and of course "The Egg & I", but also "Anybody Can Do Anything"'d love those, I would have to believe, Eddie, because she has so many theories about people and life. There's somehwere where she talks about personalities: she basically says that she doesn't care if someone's a sneak, a nasty, overbearing jerk, a crazy person, a liar--as long as they're interesting, not boring and entertaining, she's happy! Of course, she admits to liking nice people too, but never"dull" ones. Nice philosophy, eh? Doesn't Betty seem like a woman you could love?
And Noel Coward! Another book that made me laugh out loud hysterically--once on an airplane, in bed in the middle of the night, anywhere. I think my treasured volume is circa 1984 or so...there are entries about Clifton Webb(whose bust I have in my living room, btw--a prop from "Sitting Pretty" where he first played Lynn Belvedere, great film btw)...poor, poor Clifton; described by friend Noel as the "world's oldest orphan" at losing his mother Maybelle at age 90 or so! Mercilessly funny!
Sorry to take up so much room on your blog here..not sure if you go back & forth to my blog on any regular basis, and wanted to thank you for the nice comment. : ) -So thanks!
Caracichures elude me...So does the spelling of the word.
heheh awesome yeah i prefer to draw the people in person than looking at a photograf , the only thing i dont like are the punches and the slaps come quicker hehe ouch
Marlo! Yes, Yes! Post some caricature theories!!!! Everybody here would love to see them! I like what you said about caricaturing the feeling you have about people.
Jenny: Why not scan a couple of favorite Betty Mac D pages and post them? I'm dying to see a sample of her best stuff.
Fans of my laugh: Boy, I'm really flattered! The problem is that my laugh seems perfectly normal to me and I'm always puzzled when I hear people talk about it.
A caricature of Eddie appears in The Simpsons episode "Marge vs. Itchy and Scratchy" (at least I think that's the title). He's the cartoonist who draws Marge as a squirrel. Hmmm...a caricature of a real person drawing a caricature of a fictional character. That's got to be a first.
Caricatures of Eddie pop up occasionally on the Games episodes of Ren and Stimpy. An Eddie Fitzgerald inspired Barney Rubble stands in line in the sidekick union episode of R&S. (I forget the name of the title.)
>>Fans of my laugh: Boy, I'm really flattered! The problem is that my laugh seems perfectly normal to me and I'm always puzzled when I hear people talk about it.
I don't see what's so distinctive about it, either. I heard it on the LT DVD's and didn't see what teh big deal was.
Excellent theories on this here blog Uncle Eddie. I hope you don't mind me calling you that. Keep up the good work, you wonderful cartoonist.
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I'm going to be posting a caricature of you on my blog soon. It's sorta like the one up there from Mike, which by the way looks amazing.
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