Showing posts with label modern furniture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern furniture. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I recently went with Mike to shop for chairs for his living room. Mike likes modern stuff, and we we ended up at some pretty weird places. If you thought this kind of furniture was replaced by something else, think again. There's a lot of it out there and it still sells!

Mike rejected furniture like this (above), but only because it didn't come in leather. 

Is there really gender specific furniture? I did see a couple of chairs with separate cushions for each buttock. 


50s modern is still out there. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get chairs like the ones above at Ikea. 

Maybe I was too hasty when I said that all modernism is still with us.  Box furniture like the example above is gone forever.  It used to be popular. You could even buy box beds. I guess people were so taken by their TVs that they wanted to live in them.  This style was ridiculed by later modernists who preferred to live in eggs.

Poor Mike couldn't get this (above) in leather either.

Thank God none of the stores had one of these (above). If they had, I'd have had to buy one, and my family would have moved out.

Ditto this chair (above). Some things must be acquired regardless of the consequences. 

I used to like chairs like this (above), but I didn't see them this time around. Can you still get them?