Hey, it's me, Uncle Eddie! You're not going to believe what happened!

What are we waiting for? Let's sing it! I'll just dial up some music to go with it...there, that's it (Bob Dylan's "Must Be Santa")!

Who admires Glen Kennedy's work?
Eddie admires Glen Kennedy's work!
Who thinks Ray Bradbury's a jerk?
Eddie thinks Ray Bradbury's a jerk!

Who posts photographs which are racy?
Eddie posts photographs which are racy!
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...
Must be Eddie, must be Eddie, must be Eddie, Eddie F.!
Eddie has license to act pretentious!
Eddie posts theories which are contentious!
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...
Who when he hears this song will barf?
Eddie, when he hears this song, will barf!
Eddie, when he hears this song, will barf!

Narf Narf Narf, he will barf...
Photos racy, wrote "Pluck Twacy"...
Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...
Thinks Ray's a jerk, likes Glen's work...
...and thanks a million to John V.!
BTW: I don't really think Ray Bradbury's a jerk. I love the guy...he just can't stand the sight of me!
BTW: Thanks to commenter Lastangelman for identifying the source of the arrangement on Dylan's "Must Be Santa": it's a group called The Brave Combo. Their site is definitely worth a visit: