Wednesday, May 05, 2010


All this reminds me of grade school projects where I had to paint watercolor maps then draw pictures of the country's exports all around the edges. Here's (above) a professional's take on the same thing.

Here's (above) a David Hockney-style map. Very pretty, and it actually does make me think about all the
dirt and stones and trees in those places. It's odd how purely graphic depictions of things sometimes capture their essense almost as well as realism.

Above, my favorite kind of map.

Monday, May 03, 2010


Here's some caricatures of myself that I just did in Photoshop. I was trying to do them the way John K used to draw me, with a shovel nose, big teeth and Ubangi earlobes.  I did several but Beta Blogger will only accept one photo per post today, so I'll spread out the pictures over three posts.  The largest pictures will overlap the sidebar, but that's intentional. I actually like the way it looks. Wait, there was something else.....oh, yes! The background on the third picture (below) is by DeKooning!


Me again! I LOVE the sidebar overlap!!!!!


The last one! I printed it normal size, and it works just fine. I want to emphasize that the overlap on the pictures above was deliberate! I just liked the way it looked!

Saturday, May 01, 2010


Writing about Raplh's pictures (previous post) got me to thinking about other favorite painters of New York City, including the much-neglected Maurice Kish. That's Kish's masterpiece above, the unromantically named "East Waterfront." It's a dark and moody picture, so you might have turn up the brightness to see it.

The beta Blogger program cut off the rest of this article, which you might be able to read by clicking "Read More" below. The new Blogger templates are great, but putting up posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ralph has a new show at the Animazing Gallery in New York and it's pretty impressive. The man can paint, no doubt about it. 

Some of the pictures seem to be representational, like this one (above) of New York City rooftops. How do you like the opalescent colors, and the weird, horizontal stick construction of everything? They lend a feeling of frenetic movement to what must have been a fairly placid scene in real life. It's true to New York, though. That city is all about explosive energy lying just below the surface.
Here's (above) a more abstract piece. The impression you get from a distance is of fluffy, cottony clouds tainted by gritty opalescence. Closer up it's decaying building materials with everything  moving, clinging, cascading, oozing, blocking, shooting, and scrunching. You expect this picture to jump out the window and run away down the street.

A couple of people said this picture (above) was their favorite. It's probably a stripped wall showing fiberglass insulation...or is it asbestos? I like to think of it more abstractly as turbulent, buttery, energetic essence of color seeping through the walls to consume our world. 

I like the Cezanne-like color and texture of the wall surrounding the door on the right.

Holy Cow! It's the world of the theater (above) abstracted. I love stuff like this. It's a celebration of show business, with it's artifice and it's blend of the silly and the profound.

BTW: Somebody asked me recently if the picture in Ralph's book (the book ably put together by Jon Gibson and Chris McDonnell) that looks like me, really is me. The answer is...yes, even though I thought differently when I first saw it. The reason I didn't recognize it right away is that it was taken on a live shoot for one of Ralph's films, and the hairdresser who did that to my hair didn't let me look at it for fear that I'd try to mess it up. 

For an interesting article about what Ralph is doing lately:


Wow!!!! Thanks to the folks at Blogger we have new toys to play with! Here's a preview (above) of the new Theory Corner format. I'd intended use this only on the Weekend Edition, but it's so appealing and colorful, that I think I'll redo the whole blog like this. It's not finished yet, but it'll be up soon. What do you think!?

BTW: If you're curious to see what this new beta version of Blogger can do, try the link to it in the Settings>Basics tabs.