I hate to put up family travel pictures. I mean, who's interested in that apart from me and a couple dozen friends and relatives? Even so, I thought I'd make an exception here and tell you about a trip I made to visit my grown-up son in the future. That's right....the future!
It all started when I received a kind of funky greetings card (above) postmarked March, 2039. It was from my kid, then fully grown up and living in the same city thirty years from now. He said he'd be happy to treat me to dinner. Wow! Imagine that! A dinner with my kid thirty years in the future! Of course I accepted!

Getting there was easy. The card said I had only to stare at something white for a few minutes and a time warp would take care of the rest. I did, and it worked!

Following the instructions on the card, I took a paper helium plane (above) to my kid's house, which was in a small town North of LA.

I found my kid reading in the living room, behind his buttocks sculptures. Amazingly, he looked only slightly older than the last time I saw him, back in 2009.

It was great to see him! We talked and talked and talked, and finally sat down to a light lunch. That was my chair above!

To my surprise the bowls were just for decoration. The meal was the flower...I guess everybody in the future's a vegetarian! I said I wasn't hungry.

After lunch we left for the city. Above is a picture of my kid's butler, who helped us into the car. The poor guy was the victim of flawed genetic engineering.

In the city we decided to take in a movie (above) that everyone was talking about. It was the story of a poor circle that longed to be a square, but kept falling into something that looked like egg yolk. I didn't understand it but my son and the rest of the audience were moved to tears and bought souvenirs in the lobby.

My son said the restaurant (above) was rather small by the standards of his time, but he thought an intimate setting was best. I kept hitting the people behind me with my elbow.

Finally dinner was served, and the proud waiters and cooks all gathered around to see what somebody from the past would think of their cooking. That's it above. I couldn't figure out how it worked, so I had to make an excuse about not feeling well enough to eat.

Back home I ran for the nearest hamburger stand. The future's great but don't expect to be able to eat the food!
An interesting evening, sounds like!
The image of the gentleman in the green suit is a bit disturbing, though.
This will prove to be 100% prophetic.
This would be an interesting comic book (graphic novel, whatever they're calling it these days).
What do you think cartoons would be like in the future? Will there still be hand-drawn 'toons?
Yikes! What a hallucinogenic trip through Wackyland!That imagery from Ryohei Hase is particularly nightmarish, for me, and I like rabbits! The Vagina-port struck me more as a bedpan, but it's nice to know Virgin Air will still be in business.
Looking forward to that brave new world. Thanks for the tour; it was enlightening.
hahahahahahahaha!! I was laughing the entire time I read this. The thing is, this is probably what's gonna happen.
"In the city we decided to take in a movie (above) that everyone was talking about. It was the story of a poor circle that longed to be a square, but kept falling into something that looked like egg yolk. I didn't understand it but my son and the rest of the audience were moved to tears and bought souvenirs in the lobby."
I bet that's what happened when you guys saw Wall-E!
"In the city we decided to take in a movie (above) that everyone was talking about. It was the story of a poor circle that longed to be a square, but kept falling into something that looked like egg yolk. I didn't understand it but my son and the rest of the audience were moved to tears and bought souvenirs in the lobby."
So in the future general audiences will appreciate art movies?
However, I for one, belive that humans will continue to eat real food in the future.
By the way Eddie, how did you think 2009 would look back in 1979? Would've you though that you'd have anything like a blog?
By the way, what's the deal with that Rabbit painting at the top of the post?
Vagina International- I love it!
Glad you had fun! If you ever go BACK in time, don't forget to show us all the pictures if you ever come back to the present!
Thanks Eddie. Another good Sunday read.
Brubaker, Oppo: The future for both live action and animation is in the hands of the independents. The big corporations will turn out increasingly bland and safe product that will bring in short-term rewards but eventually cause the giants to atrify.
2D animated comedy will make a huge comeback, probably on TV or the internet. 3D won't go away, though...they'll co-exist. Learn 2D cartooning now...you will definitely be able to use it! 3D will dominate features for the immediate future.
About what 1979 thought 2009 would be like...i'll do a blog post about it!
Very very clever and fun ! A gold star for you sir.
This makes me think... how many people have eaten at Tail of the Pup only once? As a tourist, I did. Its closed now, apparently.
It had those tough skinned boiled for days cut from an endless coil of hot dog (not twisted into individual links) sort of hot dogs. But at least you knew what the place was selling.
I'd love to ride that plastic cab. Yes sir. All over town.
It looks like the Teletubbies have won out.
Very clever and funny, Eddie!
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